We are excited to present a group exhibition of print works entitled How it Started, How it's Going, a print and proof show that celebrates the process of printmaking by presenting a dialogue between sketches, states or proofs and the final works. A variety of printmaking disciplines will be represented including intaglio, mokuhanga, woodblock, lithography, and screen print.
Andre Lee Bassuet
Allison Bianco
Donnamaria bruton
Stella Ebner
Michael Ezzell
Nancy Friese
Lois Harada
Daniel Heyman
Michael Krueger
Julian MacMillan
Yoonmi Nam
Serena Perrone
Andrew Raftery
Nafis M. White
How it Started, How it's Going, is a print and proof show that celebrates printmaking by presenting a dialogue between sketches or proofs, and the final works. The medium of printmaking is unique among artistic disciplines. Early working versions (states) of an image remain in existence, unlike how an underpainting is painted over, or an armature disappears beneath the sculpture. Proofs themselves are commonly known as test prints and inform decisions on how the image should be resolved. Sitting outside of the final edition of works, proofs are clues to the mystery of the printmaking process.
In this show, two versions of each artwork are presented in tandem. They may be identical images printed in distinct colorways, a sketch and a final woodblock print, an etching combined with screen printing, or a carved block of wood and its counterpart impression. Each couple reveals the genesis of the work and its final conclusion. What unfolds is the narrative that lies between the lines, the imagining of how one came from the other.