Serena Perrone: Volcanoes and Voyages

September 10 - October 29, 2011

Serena Perrone uses various mediums to create her large-scale prints and drawings and her smaller intimate works. Uniquely combining techniques such as large woodcuts printed with hand-mixed metallic inks, juxtaposed with delicate drawings in silverpoint and goldpoint, Perrone is a master of her highly refined use of the materials.  This mixture of mediums is reflected in the content of the work as well.  Images of real and fantastical scenes mix together to create a narrative that is similar to a surrealist painting or film.  With purpose and composure, the scenes unfold to the patient viewer.   Nothing is fast and swift about the work; everything has a purpose and is slow to reveal its intentions and meanings. The work is personal and universal.  Perrone uses images literally and symbolically to explore the external physical relationship to the internal and hidden emotional metamorphosis that is part of belonging to the human race.


The overall theme of Volcanoes and Voyages is integral to all of the works in this exhibition.  The mystical nature and natural energy of a volcano reminds us of the relationship we have with the earth and at that same time puts our existence into context.  Fantastical landscapes of unexplored worlds lead us on a voyage with the artist.  Architecture and proscenium stages are set against a background of real renditions of botanical flora and indigenous trees.   In some works, a young female figure leads you through the narrative and in others multiple children, both male and female, seem to act out the parts within the scene.  This is particularly true with the earlier series entitled In the Realm of Reverie 2005-2008,  one of which is in the exhibition and others on view in the office gallery.  In addition, the early and outstanding five-part drawing entitled Voyage Series 2004-2005 is on view in the entrance gallery.


The large drypoint with hand coloring entitled Approach and Descent 2011 makes its debut in this exhibition as well as two suites of prints: A Volcano Pilgrim in Exchange for Fire 2010 and On Escapism and Exile 2010.


Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Serena Perrone received her MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (RISD Printmaking 2006) and her BFA from Southern Illinois University (Painting 2003 with a BA in Art History and BA in French, Summa Cum Laude).  Serena Perrone’s work is represented in the collection of The Library of Congress; Philadelphia Museum of Art; Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design; Smith College Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum of American Art as well as numerous private collections.