Serena PerroneSomething is About to Happen, 2016suite of 18 gum-bichromate prints on Fabriano Tiepolo paper60 x 47 inches in diameteredition of 4
Serena PerroneLightforms: Venice I-VII, Scarpa, Giardini, Kites, Cone, Treeline, Arch, Sliver, 2016suite of 7 cyanotypes on Stonehenge paper10 x 8 inches eachedition of 5
Serena PerroneFragments: Revisited, 2014-17suite of 27 intaglio etchings with cyanotype text, with colophon in linen enclosure10 x 13.5 inches eachEdition of 4 plus 2 artist's proofs
Serena PerroneFata Morgana / Mondo Nuovo, 2016-19Peepshow: sculpted cast porcelain, wood, plexiglass, with 18 interior scenes printed in screenprint, and hand-colored with watercolor, led lighting, custom hand-built wooden table60 x 16 x 40 inchesedition of 4
Serena PerroneAlberi: Site Specific Portfolio, 2014-15suite of 12 etchings on Fabriano Tiepolo paper10 x 8 inches eachedition of 7
Serena PerroneOn Love at First Sight (or, Seeing and Not Seeing the Northern Lights), 2013xerox transfer, aquatint, hand coloring in linen box10 x 13 inches eachedition of 5