IFPDA Fair Fall 2021 Online Edition

October 15 - 31, 2021 



This year, I am so excited to share prints that define and expand the genre of landscape imagery. As the world focuses on land conservation and appreciation of majestic open spaces, the restorative property of depicting nature is clearly shown in the works of Allison Bianco, Stella Ebner, Nancy Friese, Daniel Heyman, Orit Hofshi, and Serena Perrone.


Daniel Heyman’s new woodblock print on handmade Japanese paper entitled Summer Squall 2021, is mounted on a scroll and unfurls over 20 feet, revealing a narrative event both calm and harrowing. Stella Ebner adds a close up view of nature’s battle between flora and fauna, in this case, an invasive beetle attacking the plant which is depicted in romantic hues of greens and pinks. Nancy Friese’s lithographs of land and ocean are printed on warm yellow-hued paper, casting a timeless glow and have been inspired, in part, by the Gauguin Volpini Series. Serena Perrone’s mythical landscapes in the Janus series encourage the viewer to step into the void while contemplating the edges. Orit Hofshi’s Rumor features figures that journey throughout vibrant and challenging terrains, and Allison Bianco’s cool toned etchings render nature imposing albeit peculiarly humorous.


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